Download SEN workbook

Please complete this form to download a copy of the SEN workbook

We need to keep you updated with details about future changes to our SEN workbook. We will also send you information about the work we do, as you have a professional interest in keeping young people safe around alcohol. Here at the Alcohol Education Trust, we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to send you our teacher newsletters, resouce updates, details about our training events and other relevant mailings with the intention of keeping you updated on developments within the charity and on matters relating to alcohol education

We will not share your data with other third parties and you can unsubscribe at any time.

If you experience a problem downloading the SEN workbook please contact



    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    School/Organisation (required)

    City/Town (required)

    County (required)

    How did you find out about the Alcohol Education Trust? (required)
    Recommendation from colleague/otherContact from AET i.e. newsletter, mailing, emailConference/training/workshopI already use AET resourcesOther
    If other, please specify

    Do you have timetabled PSHE/RSHE? YesNo

    Is there anything else we could do to support you? (required)

    Which other sources do you use for alcohol education? (required)

    What percentage of children in your care have SEN?

    Would you like information on staff training and the accompanying activity box? YesNo