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So, how do I feel after the month?

I haven’t lost any weight, which is disappointing, was hoping I might lose a pound or two. I think this is because a lot of soft drinks are very sweet – my sugar intake has definitely gone up during the month – and I have been eating more chocolate!


We have definitely saved money – if you count up drinks when going out too, it’s a frightening amount! Some of this has been spent on other drinks of course, but we reckon at least a £100 this month. I wish I’d kept a record of how many drinks I’d been offered too  – and would I have said yes or no during a normal month?


More than anything, I will always have delicious alcohol free alternatives in the house – whether alcohol free beer, good juices and cordials, good brands of sparkling water and tomato juice – I will think more of my non drinking guests and not just offer elderflower cordial as the drink of default!

Do I feel healthier? I am quite healthy anyway –both re exercise and diet and I sleep well too – I have definitely had more energy in the evening, which is welcome. I have enjoyed the experience and am happy to do it again! How about you?

Helena and many others across the country have taken part in dryvember in aid of  The Big Give Chrstmas Challenge with match funding from The Childhood Trust. The project is to support 25,000 pupils in 100 schools with talkaboutalcohol, To learn more about the alcohol education trust visit: www.alcoholeducationtrust.org  To donate on line visit: https://secure.thebiggive.org.uk/projects/view/21643/talkaboutalcohol_for-teens-parents-and-teachers